The Posting Memes Project was created in response to the events currently occurring in our country.
The advent of the internet and the services that have since become available because of it, have put a dent in the "profit margin" of the USPS. Bills are being paid automatically, paychecks utilize "direct deposit", email instead of the letter or paper advertisement.
The project takes the meme from the internet venue, makes it physical, which then can be mailed via USPS.
The goal of the project is to bring a little moment of distraction to individuals and simultaneously support our Postal Service.
The memes are of varying topics, laminated, come with a small description, and arrive by US Mail.
The current local, national, and world circumstances are overwhelming, at best. Pipelines and services are being compromised by the pandemic. Our lives are upturned and people are responding in a variety of often extreme ways. Depression, feelings of anger, confusion, isolation, and feeling emotionally, psychically, and psychologically paralyzed, are but a few of the common reactions people are experiencing.
"The Post Office Department was created in 1792 with the passage of the Postal Service Act. It was elevated to a cabinet-level department in 1872, and was transformed by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 into the United States Postal Service as an independent agency."
Our postal system has been under attack for a long time. By making it an "independent agency" in 1970, the government forced it to support itself, while technically still being a government controlled agency.
Our Postal Service is vital for keeping us a functioning society. Support our Postal Service and demand that it no longer pay for itself. We need it as a fully functioning government supported service, like our fire departments.